Gardening-Accessories - Family_deals/Gardening-Accessories
PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALL aka Slow Release Container formula This plant food contains a unique blend of essential plant nutrients, together with essential trace elements for healthy green leaves and vibrant blooms. Easy to spread and two types of nitrogen ensure that one gives a quick boost for new growth and the other releases nitrogen slowly throughout the season. Rhodo and Camellia 900g Current Stock Height: 900g Container: Tub ? $29.99 Fert Rhodo and Camellia 100g Current Stock Height: 100g Container: Sachet ? $4.99 High levels of potassium means that this nutrient rich fertiliser has been formulated to protect and enhance the establishment of healthy roses. Tui Rose Fertiliser promotes large blooms and ensures growth of strong but beautiful roses. Do not put into the hole or under the bare roots as they will burn, but rather sprinkle around the base of the plant. Feed for every flush. Fert Rose Food Quick 3kg Current Stock Height: 3kg Container: Bag ? $19.99 Fert Rose Food Quick 8kg Current Stock Height: 8kg Container: Bag ? $32.99 aka Yellow Leaf Plant Tonic Sequestron is an acid loving plant food which stops leaf yellowing on Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias, Citrus, Daphne, Gardenias, Magnolias, Hibiscus, Hydrangeas and sub-tropical plants. A fast and effective tonic thats absorbed throught the roots and leaves curing yellowing of leaves and poor growth. Sequestron Plant Food 250ml Current Stock Height: 250ml Container: Bottle ? $16.99 Sequestron Plant Food 500ml Current Stock Height: 500ml Container: Bottle ? $24.99 An organic pelletised fertiliser for improving soil conditions, enhancing moisture retention, aeration and microorganism population. Can be used for flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs, roses, citrus and fruit trees. Pellets are dust free and easy to handle. The organic matter helps to improve soil structure, water retention and friability. Chuck some into the compost as an activator. Fert Sheep Pellets Organic 8kg Current Stock Height: 8kg Container: Bag ? $34.99 Triple action systemic fungicide, contact insecticide and foliar feed for roses and ornamentals giving longer lasting control. Easy to use with no leaf burn or marking. Kills insects via contact and ingestion. NZ made. Spectrum Plus RTU 750ml Current Stock Height: 750ml Container: 750ml ? $24.99 Stock of this item is very low. Controls clover and moss in lawns. Greens foliage of plants which suffer iron deficiency. Improves colour of grass and aids in controlling broadleaf weeds. Sulphate of Iron 800g Container: Bag 800g ? $12.99 PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALL
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
Suitable for plants being newly planted.
Suited for established plants.
Suitable for plants being newly planted.
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: