Gardening-Accessories - Family_deals/Gardening-Accessories
PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALL Very practical Tree 'Bricks' that can be added to the planting hole along with the tree's root ball. Slow release fertiliser that is balanced and will provide necessary food for up to two years. One 'brick' for a small tree, two for medium and three for a large specimen. Slow Release Tablets 1kg Current Stock Height: 100 Tabs Container: 1kg ? $22.99 Imagine a tower of Sweet Peas, Delphiniums, Jasmine or Clematis - This structure will support such plants beautifully, and will certainly make an impact in your garden. Height 2.13 cm, width at base 50 cm, width at top about 84 cm. Trumpet Large $260.00 THIS ITEM AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP ONLY This structure is an ideal support for climbing roses. It is 1.86 m tall, 40 cm wide at the base and opens out to a width of about 68 cm at the top. Could also be used for tall perennials such as Delphiniums. Trumpet Medium $225.00 THIS ITEM AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP ONLY A selective broad leaf weed killer. Can be applied regularly without harming grass species. Controls weeds such as daisies, clovers, Onehunga weed, chickweed, thistles and dandelion. Great for maintaining a weed free lawn.
Turfix Lawn Spray 200ml Current Stock Height: 200ml Container: Bottle ? $39.99 A selective broad leaf weed killer. Can be applied regularly without harming grass species. Controls weeds such as daisies, clovers, Onehunga weed, chickweed, thistles and dandelion. Great for maintaining a weed free lawn.
Turfix Lawn Weed Spray 500ml Container: Bottle 500ml ? $44.99 Kills weeds fast and prevents regrowth for up to 12 months. Ideal for control of weeds in driveways, paths and fence lines. For long term control it kills current growth and prevents weed seeds from germinating. Up to 365 days prevention. Rainfast in 2 hours. Weed Long Term 250ml Current Stock Height: 250ml Container: 250ml ? $39.99 PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALL
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
When planting your tree please ensure a good spade full of dirt is used between putting the tablet in the hole and placing the plant on top of the dirt to ensure the tree roots do not come in direct contact with the tablet in it's solid form.
Stock of this item is very low.
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: