Perennials - Family_deals/Perennials
PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ALL A striking clump forming perennial grass with long arching leaves which have a flat surface. This grass has long flower panicles which start bronzey brown and fade to pale brown over summer.Enjoys moist soil in part shade to full sun. this grass goes dormant in the coolest winter months. Calamagrotis x acutiflora Karl Foerster New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Cushion Bush This little Australian native is hardy to drought, frost and salt spray. Tiny silver grey leaves are pressed tight against the stems to form a twisted and contorted little cushion. Happiest in the light soil and an open sunny position. Evergreen.
Calocephalus Silver Nugget Expected Stock Height: 5/10 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Dalmatian Bell flower This delightful little perennial has a cluster of fresh green foliage and a spreading habit. In spring and summer a profusion of violet-blue star-shaped flowers do their best to smother the foliage. Prefers a cool position with protection from afternoon sun. Great rockery plant. Evergreen.
Campanula Muralis Expected Stock Height: 5/10 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Bell flower This hardy perennial produces a profusion of vibrant blue/mauve bell- shaped blooms from late spring to winter. Forms a tight clump in the garden and should be trimmed back in the winter. Plant in full sun or part shade. Star of Spring award winner. (PVR1793).
Campanula Mystic Bells Expected Stock Height: 40/60 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Canna Large lush foliage and stems of nice bright red blooms will add a warm tropical look to the summer garden. Loves the sun and soil that does not dry out completely in summer. Cut back hard after flowering and mulch the rhizomes for winter protection. Perennial. Canna Kneehigh Red Expected Stock Height: 40/50 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Canna Large lush foliage and stems of beautiful rose red blooms will add a warm tropical look to the summer garden. Loves the sun and soil that does not dry out completely in summer. Cut back hard after flowering and mulch the rhizomes for winter protection. Perennial. Canna Kneehigh Rose Expected Stock Height: 40/45 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Canna Dwarf Canna. Lush foliage and stems of bright scarlet blooms will add a warm tropical look to the summer garden. Loves the sun and soil that does not dry out completely in summer. Cut back hard after flowering and mulch the rhizomes for winter protection. Perennial.
Canna Kneehigh Scarlet Bronze Expected Stock Height: 40/50 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Canna Super Dwarf. Ideal for adding a cold hardy yet lush tropical feel in the garden. With lush green foliage, and stunning white blooms in summer, this Canna loves the sun. Cut back hard to the ground after flowering and mulch the rhizomes for winter protection. Perennial. Canna Kneehigh White Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Canna Dwarf Canna. Lush foliage and stems of sunny yellow blooms will add a warm tropical look to the summer garden. Loves the sun and soil that does not dry out completely in summer. Cut back hard to the ground after flowering and mulch the rhizomes for winter protection. Perennial.
Canna Kneehigh Yellow Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Canna Dwarf Canna. Enjoy the rich, deep red blossoms and dramatic burgundy foliage of Canna Bronze Scarlet all season. Although Bronze Scarlet is a tropical plant, this cultivar is easy to grow in most areas as long as it can enjoy at least 6-8 hours average sunlight during the summer. Canna Tropical Bronze Scarlet Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ALL
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 90cm x 70cm
Leaves: Evergreen, Light
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 100cm x 100cm
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Spreading
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 50cm x 30cm
Also know as tropical red
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 65cm x 50cm
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 65cm x 50cm
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 65cm x 50cm
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 65cm x 50cm
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 65cm x 50cm
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Deciduous, Dark
Mature Size (HxW): 60cm spreading
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: