Family deals  ⏵  Roses

Roses - Family_deals/Roses


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Standard Floribunda . Discovered in 1995 this sport of 'Iceberg' has semi-double, honey scented blooms of bright cerise pink. There is just a hint of cream in the centre highlighted by pink stamens. Has all the fine attributes of 'Iceberg' i.e. a healthy and vigorous rose that is generous with bloom.


Flower Colour: Pink / Cream
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard 80cm

Iceberg Brilliant Pink Std 80cm

Current Stock Height: STD-80/HGT-110 cm  ? 

Container: pb12  ? 


Picture of Iceberg Burgundy-Rose

Floribunda. This outstanding relative to the ever popular white Iceberg has sumptuous blooms of burgundy wine with royal purple overtones. Very free flowering with a soft fragrance, a top performing rose in every way which is simply a must have.

The intense colour of the new blooms will fade as the bloom ages especially in our hot afternoon sun. Therefore consider a garden position where it is a bit cooler in the afternoons.


Flower Colour: Purple / Red
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 1.2m X 60cm

Iceberg Burgundy

Current Stock Height: 20/40 cm  ? 

Container: pb8  ? 



Iceberg Burgundy

New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $45.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Iceberg Burgundy Pillar -Rose

Floribunda Pillar. This outstanding relative to the ever popular white Iceberg has sumptuous blooms of burgundy wine with royal purple overtones. Very free flowering with a soft fragrance, a top performing rose in every way which is simply a must have. 2007.

The intense colour of the new blooms will fade as the bloom ages especially in our hot afternoon sun. Therefore consider a garden position where it is a bit cooler in the afternoons.


Flower Colour: Purple / Red
Habit: Pillar
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Pillar 1.8m

Iceberg Burgundy Pillar

Expected Stock Height: HGT-180cm

We will not have this plant 2025/26.

Some recommended alternatives:
Iceberg Burgundy Std 45cm    Iceberg Burgundy    Iceberg Burgundy Std 80cm    Outta The Blue Std 80cm   

Picture of Iceberg Burgundy Std 45cm-Rose

Standard. Floribunda. This drop dead gorgeous, sumptuously coloured rose is a sport from the well loved 'Iceberg' rose. Burgundy Iceberg has well behaved glossy green foliage and few thorns. The blooms are a blend of rich burgundy purple and have a soft fragrance. Repeats well.

The intense colour of the new blooms will fade as the bloom ages especially in our hot afternoon sun. Therefore consider a garden position where it is a bit cooler in the afternoons.


Flower Colour: Purple / Red
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard 45cm

Iceberg Burgundy Std 45cm

Expected Stock Height: STD-45/HGT-60 cm  ? 

New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $65.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Iceberg Burgundy Std 80cm-Rose

Floribunda Std. This drop dead gorgeous, sumptuously coloured rose is a sport from the well loved 'Iceberg' rose. Like the parent 'Burgundy Iceberg' has well behaved glossy green foliage and few thorns. The blooms are a blend of rich burgundy purple and have a soft fragrance. Repeats well.

The intense colour of the new blooms will fade as the bloom ages especially in our hot afternoon sun. Therefore consider a garden position where it is a bit cooler in the afternoons.


Flower Colour: Purple / Red
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard 80cm

Iceberg Burgundy Std 80cm

Expected Stock Height: STD-80/HGT-110 cm  ? 

New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $76.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Iceberg Bush-Rose

Floribunda. One of the best white roses - ever! Free flowering with loose, double, pure white flowers. The blooms are produced in clusters of up to 15 per spray. Pleasantly perfumed with a gentle fragrance. Nice clean foliage, multi award winner and deservedly so.1958.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 90cm x 60cm

Iceberg Bush

Current Stock Height: 20/40 cm  ? 

Container: pb8  ? 



Iceberg Bush

Expected Stock Height: 20/40 cm  ? 

New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $45.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Iceberg Clg-Rose

Climber Floribunda. One of the best white roses - ever! Very free-flowering with scented clusters of shapely, double white blooms with just the lightest blush of pink as they mature. Hardy and tolerant - can even cope with some shade. A top 10 rose. 1968.

This rose is AKA Schneewittchen, Fee des Neiges and Korbin in other parts of the world - aren't you glad it's just called Iceberg in NZ? No matter what the name is - this is just a great rose, well worth planting.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Climbing
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Climbing

Iceberg Clg

Current Stock Height: 20/40 cm  ? 

Container: pb8  ? 


Picture of Iceberg Pillar 1.6m-Rose

Floribunda Pillar. One of the best white roses - ever! Free flowering with loose, double, pure white flowers. The blooms are produced in clusters of up to 15 per spray. Pleasantly perfumed with a gentle fragrance. Nice clean foliage, multi award winner and deservedly so. 1958.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Pillar
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Pillar 1.8m

Iceberg Pillar 1.6 m

Expected Stock Height: HGT-160 cm

We will not have this plant 2025/26.

A recommended alternative:
Iceberg Std 80cm   

Picture of Iceberg Std 45cm-Rose

Floribunda Std. One of the best white roses - ever! Free flowering with loose, double, pure white flowers. The blooms are produced in clusters of up to 15 per spray. Pleasantly perfumed with a gentle fragrance. Nice clean foliage, multi award winner and deservedly so. 1958.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard 45 cm

Iceberg Std 45cm

Expected Stock Height: STD-45/HGT-60 cm  ? 

New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $65.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Iceberg Std 80cm-Rose

Floribunda Std. One of the best white roses - ever! Free flowering with loose, double pure white flowers. The blooms are produced in clusters of up to 15 per spray. Has a pleasant moderate rose fragrance. Is great mass planted. Nice clean foliage. Tolerant of some shade. Multi Award Winner. 1958.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard 80cm

Iceberg Std 80cm

Current Stock Height: STD-80/HGT-110 cm  ? 

Container: pb12  ? 



Iceberg Std 80cm

Expected Stock Height: STD-80/HGT-110 cm  ? 

New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $76.99. Payment on order.


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HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: