I had a hankering to using bacon hocks and so grabbed a couple and threw them in a pot of water and cooked them right down until the meat fell of the hoof so to speak. When it was cold I discarded all the bones and removed the skin and shredded the meat back into the stock water and put it aside.
We chopped up and lost the skin on a heap of pumpkin and put it all into a roasting tray along with a whole lot of peeled shallots. (Seem to have an abundance of shallots from last years crop) Splash over the pumpkin some olive oil, add salt and pepper and roast them in the oven until tender.
When well cooked, mash them in the pan and then add all to the bacon stock and start to simmer. We then added finely chopped herbs of rosemary and thyme, some curry powder to taste and let it simmer for a few hours. Lastly we added a can of coconut cream.. Remember to taste it throughout the process and add more salt and pepper other fresh herbs to taste and some honey to sweeten if needed.