Austin. Beautiful cupped blooms of softest peachy pink open out to large full rosettes (up to 90 petals). Glossy green healthy foliage and a delightful fruity fragrance make this a most desirable rose. Strong upright grower that is also tolerant of a little shade.
Named after A.E. Houseman's poem however David Austin was also a Shropshire Lad as that is where he was born.
A Shropshire Lad
Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
We will not have this plant 2025/26.
Austin. A gorgeous shrub rose with deeply cupped, very fruity fragrant blooms in shades of warm apricot and pink that repeat all season. A disease resistant plant, with dark green foliage, that could be trained as a small climber.
Just in case you have ever wondered, this rose is named after Abraham Darby who was an English Pioneer of the Industrial Revolution.
Abraham Darby
Expected Stock Height: 20/40 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $45.99. Payment on order.
Austin Climber. Apricot-yellow buds open to a large showly cupped, many petalled rosette. They are a beautiful blend of subtle apricot-pink and soft yellow, giving the overall impression of apricot, with creamy outer petals. Strong, honey, myrrh fragrance. A vigorous climber with mid-green foliage.
The name was inspired by the heroine of Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd.
Bathsheba Clg
Expected Stock Height: 20/30cm ?
We will not have this plant 2025/26.
Austin. Showy double, cupped red rosette blooms with a hint of orange. Very fragrant and vigorous strong growth. Definitely a 'standout' as was the English Composer this rose is named after. PVR. 2001. Deciduous
Benjamin Britten
Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
We will not have this plant 2025/26.
Austin. Beautiful flowers of rich salmon start as red buds which open first to pretty cups, gradually developing into blooms of classic rosette formation. The delightful myrrh fragrance has a hawthorn character with hints of elderflower, pear and almond. Dark green foliage on a vigorous healthy bush.
Expected Stock Height: 20/40 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $45.99. Payment on order.
Austin. Richly fragrant, huge, fully double, globular flowers head of softest pink. Drop dead gorgeous in fact. Strong bushy growth habit excellent repeat flowering habit. Named after a fictional monastic sleuth and is far more showy than the name suggests. 1990 TM
Brother Cadfael
Expected Stock Height: 20/40 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $45.99. Payment on order.
Austin. Named after the breeder's dad this vigorous rose has large cupped double blooms of apricot-yellow which smother the bush. The colour fades gracefully with age. Good strong fruity fragrance. Repeat flowers. Strong upright habit. 1973.
Charles Austin
Current Stock Height: 20/40 cm ?
Container: pb8 ?
Austin. Another excellent rose from David Austin of England. The large double blooms are a shade of yellow that I would describe as old gold. Very fragrant so plant where you will enjoy the perfume. Broad spreading vigorous growth and good disease resistance. Plenty of blooms.
Charles Darwin
Current Stock Height: 20/40 cm ?
Container: pb8 ?
Austin. To those of you who know and love the rose Graham Thomas you will recognize that his genes are very much part of the parentage of Charlotte. Soft yellow cupped blooms with a delicious fragrance. Flowers continuously. A rose of superb quality. 1993.
Expected Stock Height: 20/30 ?
New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $45.99. Payment on order.
Austin. One of the first David Austin English roses to be bred and subsequently used as a parent in further red varieties. A vigorous shrub with blooms that have a powerful "old world" fragrance. Large purple maroon flowers appear in summer. Healthy dark green foliage. 1967.
We will not have this plant 2025/26.
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: