Fruit and Nuts - Just Arrived
Very high health fruit tree well suited to home gardens. Large, bi-coloured, red streaked on yellow fruit which is sweet, slightly tangy and fragrant. A productive and vigorous tree, shows good disease resistance. Stake while young for support, best suited to free-draining soils.
Apple Information Page
Apple Adorable MM106
Current Stock Height: 90/100 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Blackberry
This blackberry has an upright habit, no thorns and bumper crops of firm sweet fruit in summer - what more could you want? Someone to make the jam I suppose! Plant in sun or part shade in nice deep acid soil for best results. Deciduous.
See our How To pages for tips on growing Brambles and Berries. Suitable for planting in most areas of NZ.
Blackberry Navaho
Expected Stock Height: 60/80 cm ?
Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock.
Blueberry Northern Highbush variety. Packed full of Vitamin C 'Blue Crop' is a reliable variety that fruits around Feb-March. Likes rich acid soil that doesn't completely dry out in summer. Late fruiting in Feb-March. Deciduous.
It is important to remember that Blueberries fruit on the previous years wood and whilst they are self-fertile they will always do better with a companion.
Blueberry Blue Crop NH
Current Stock Height: 90/120 cm ?
Container: 2l ?
Blueberry Blue Crop NH
Expected Stock Height: 20/30 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Blueberry Northern Highbush - the Dixi variety is best suited to areas that get some winter chill. The berries which ripen January - February and are large with a rich, tangy, sweet flavour. Will perform best if planted with another variety such as 'Blue Joy' or 'Blue Crop'. Deciduous.
Northern Highbush Blueberries are suitable for cooler climates
Blueberry Dixi NH
Current Stock Height: 70/90 cm ?
Container: 3.3l ?
Blueberry Dixi NH
Expected Stock Height: 30/50 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Blueberry Southern Highbush- an attractive plant with bright blue-green foliage. Medium sized berries of excellent quality and flavour. Recommended for warmer areas of NZ. Partially self fertile, but will produce bigger and better crops if pollinated with another Southern Highbush. Deciduous.
Blueberry Misty SH
Current Stock Height: 30/50 cm ?
Container: 2l ?
Blueberry Northern Highbush. Likes rich acid soil that doesn't completely dry out in summer. Self-fertile but will set fruit better with a companion - 'Dixi' or 'Blue Crop'. Early harvest, November - December. Deciduous.
Northern Highbush Blueberries are suitable for cooler climates
Blueberry Reka NH
Current Stock Height: 10/15 cm ?
Container: 1.9l ?
Stock of this item is very low.
Blueberry Reka NH
Current Stock Height: 80/100 cm ?
Container: 2l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
A desirable new variety that fruits early in the season around March-April. The fruit are exceptionally sweet, large and round. Yum Yum. As with all Feijoas will fruit best when 2 or more are planted. Likes a sunny sheltered position. Evergreen.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Anatoki
Current Stock Height: 80/110 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
Vigorous growing variety which ripens in autumn around April-May. Rough skinned fruit which are large, aromatic and very sweet. Partially self-fertile but cross pollination is essential for large fruit so plant with a companion for best results. Evergreen.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Apollo
Current Stock Height: 60 cm
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
This recent introduction has large and sweet fruit that ripen nice and early in the autumn. Plant in sunny well drained spot, preferably with another Feijoa close by. The fruit are ripe when they start to fall naturally off the tree. Evergreen. PVR.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Kakariki
Current Stock Height: 110/120 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
This fabulous fruit has a dark skin with a rich and aromatic flavour. A late season variety ripening mid autumn. Self fertile but will do better with a partner. Plant in a sunny well drained position. The fruit will fall to the ground naturally when ripe. Evergreen.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Opal Star
Current Stock Height: 130/140 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
An exciting very early bearer with large fruit with a delicious rich tropical flavour. Good vigour. Likely to be best variety to use in marginal colder areas. Self fertile, better yields when cross pollinated.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Takaka
Current Stock Height: 70/80 cm ?
Container: 3.3l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
'Unique' is a reliable Feijoa that is self-fertile and produces abundant crops of delicious medium to large oval fruit. The skin is smooth along with the pulp and the flavour carries a hint of pineapple. Starts to fruit from a young age. Happy in a sunny well drained spot. Evergreen. PVR.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Unique
Current Stock Height: 70/80 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
Vigorous growing variety which ripens in autumn around April-May. Rough skinned fruit which are large, aromatic and very sweet. Partially self-fertile but cross pollination is essential for large fruit so plant with a companion for best results. Evergreen.
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Waingaro
Current Stock Height: 70/80 cm ?
Container: 3.3l ?
aka Pineapple Guava
An outstanding Feijoa with generous crops of large firm fruit that are ripe around about May. Forms a nice tidy evergreen tree. Can be grown alone but will perform better with a partner.
Plant in a sunny well drained position. PVR FE1005
Feijoa Information Page
Feijoa Wiki Tu
Current Stock Height: 90/100 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Fig Edible
This fruiting fig is highly ornamental as well as productive. Large glossy green foliage and a vigorous growth habit with large fruit that are purplish brown with pink flesh and a rich flavour. Ripe in Jan - Feb. A favourite fig for jam and preserving. Likes the sun and protection from harsh frost. Deciduous.
Fig Brown Turkey
Current Stock Height: 150 cm
Container: 4l ?
Fig Brown Turkey
Current Stock Height: 60/80 cm ?
Container: 8l ?
aka Fig Edible
This Fig has large pear-shaped fruit with greenish-brown skin and quite coarse (but delicious) golden brown sweet flesh. Brunswick is more tolerant and hardy than many Figs but will still be happiest in a sunny well drained spot with protection from frost. Crops in Summer and again in Autumn Deciduous.
Fig Brunswick
Current Stock Height: 160 cm
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Fig Edible
The delectable and desirable fruit of the Fig is full of calcium, iron, and Vitamins. This highly ornamental tree produces medium sized fruit with green skin and red sweet flesh. Will crop best if grown in a warm sheltered spot. Harvest fruit in summer and again in autumn. Deciduous.
It is important not to let your Fig tree dry out completely in summer as this will affect the fruit. Pick your figs towards the end of summer (when the fruit bends at the neck) and leave 2 to 3 days to soften before eating. This variety will store well in the fridge.
Fig French Sugar
Current Stock Height: 110/120 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Fig French Sugar
Current Stock Height: 80/100 cm ?
Container: 8l ?
aka Fig Edible
Invite Mrs Williams into your garden and you will have a very attractive tree that has the bonus of 2 crops of large fruit per year in January and April. The fruit has green/yellow neck and brown/purple base with red flesh and delicious. Main crop April. Deciduous.
Plant in a sunny well drained position with protection from harsh frost.
Fig Mrs Williams
Current Stock Height: 150/160 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Fig Mrs Williams
Current Stock Height: 120/140 cm ?
Container: 8l ?
Citrus. Cutler Red has large, deep orange, sweet, juicy fruit with just a little zing. The rind is thick. The fruit ripens July to November. Happiest in a sunny position with fertile well drained soil. Water well during hot dry summer periods. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Grapefruit Cutlers Red dwf
Current Stock Height: 45/55 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Grapefuit
Citrus. N.Z.'s most popular Grapefruit, 'Golden Special' has large juicy mostly seedless fruit that ripen July - November. Yummy for breakfast fruit, juicing or making delicious Marmalade. Grow in a sheltered position with fertile well drained soil. Water well during hot dry periods. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Grapefruit Golden Special
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 5.5l ?
aka Grapefruit
Citrus. 'Star Ruby' comes to us from Texas where it was first introduced. A medium sized Grapefruit with golden skin, and red flesh with an excellent flavour. The fruit is often seedless. 'Star Ruby' likes a nice sheltered position in order to fruit well so plant in a warm sunny spot. Evergreen.
High in Antioxidants and Vitamin A.
Citrus Information Pages
Grapefruit Star Ruby
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Kumquat Hybrid, Calamansi
Citrus. This little ornamental citrus is actually a cross between a Tangerine and a Kumquat and has glossy foliage and lovely scented blossom. The bright orange, round, juicy fruit has few seeds and a sharp acidic taste. Popular for candied peel and marmalade. Perfect as a container plant. 'Calamondin' is almost thornless. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Kumquat Calamondin
Expected Stock Height: 30/45 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Kumquat
Highly ornamental and productive citrus hybrid with edible, small, sour fruit that are juicy and great for culinary purposes, especially Oriental cooking. The variegated foliage and fragrant spring flowers add to the desirability. Looks great in a container if fed and watered regularly. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Kumquat Calamondin Variegata
Current Stock Height: 40/45 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Oval Kumquat
Citrus. Oval Kumquat. A popular variety with bright orange, oval fruit with thin peel that is sweet and tasty but with enough zing to be noticeable. The flesh has few seeds and is quite acid. Will produce large crops if planted in a sunny, well drained fertile spot. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Kumquat Fortunella Nagami
Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Oval Kumquat
Citrus Dwarf - Flying dragon rootstock. . Oval Kumquat. A popular variety with bright orange, oval fruit with thin peel that is sweet and tasty but with enough zing to be noticeable. The flesh has few seeds and is quite acid. Will produce large crops if planted in a sunny, well drained fertile spot. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Kumquat Fortunella Nagami Dwarf
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Large Round Kumquat
Round Kumquat. A hybrid variety with thick, rigid, dark green foliage and fragrant, white flowers in spring. The rounded fruit are good quality and tangy - ripen March-April. The whole fruit can be eaten. Evergreen.
Plant in a sunny, well drained spot in fertile soil. Best protected from harsh frost when young. Happy growing in a container as long as you remember to feed and water regularly. The fruit hold well on the plant and are highly ornamental.
Citrus Information Pages
Kumquat Meiwa
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Citrus. NZ's most popular lemon and deservedly so. Very juicy and a really good cropper. Once established the tree will seldom be without a lemon. More tolerant of cold than many other lemons. Can you feel a Gin and Tonic coming on? Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
All Citrus love being fed and watered regularly, especially if container grown. They respond quickly to a little pampering and will reward you for your efforts. When harvesting the fruit cut rather than pull off the tree.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Meyer
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Lemon Meyer
Expected Stock Height: 80/100 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Lemon Meyer
Expected Stock Height: 60/90 cm ?
New stock expected Middle of August, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Lemon Meyer
Expected Stock Height: 80/100 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of May, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $99.99. Payment on order.
aka Lemon
On 'Flying Dragon' rootstock to keep compact. Very juicy and a really good cropper. Once established the tree will seldom be without a lemon. More tolerant of cold than many other lemons. Can you feel a Gin and Tonic coming on? Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Every NZ garden should have a 'Meyer' lemon tree because they are so easy to grow and crop so well. They are however quite a 'sweet' lemon so if you prefer a real sharp acid taste then plant another variety to keep your 'Meyer' company.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Meyer Dwf
Current Stock Height: 70/90 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Citrus. The ponderosa lemon is a citrus species thought to be a hybrid of a lemon and a citron. It is less cold hardy than a true lemon. It bears medium to large fruit that have a thick and bumpy rind.Can be put in a container and can be grown indoors. Evergreen
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Ponderosa
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Lemon
Citrus. 'Villa Franca' originates from Europe and produces large, sharp tasting, juicy lemons. A good choice for those who like a real zingy lemon flavour. The fruit is pale and smooth and matures from April until July. Mostly thornless. Plant in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Villa Franca
Current Stock Height: 45/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. A true lemon variety bearing basket-fulls of large oval shaped fruit with a distinctive sharp acidic flavour. Very juicy, has few seeds, ripens July-August. The skin is fragrant and firm. Plant in the sun in well drained soil. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Yen Ben
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Lemon
Citrus. On 'Flying Dragon' rootstock to keep compact. A true lemon variety bearing basket-fulls of large oval shaped fruit with a distinctive sharp acidic flavour. Very juicy and has few seeds. The skin is fragrant and firm. Plant in the sun in well drained soil with protection from harsh frost.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Yen Ben Dwf
Current Stock Height: 70/80 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Citrus. Thought to be a hybrid of the sour mandarin and the Ichang lemon, yuzu is a golf ball–sized fruit with a thick bumpy rind that ranges from green to vibrant yellow depending on ripeness. Origins in China. Sought after for it's unique sour, tart flavour of its' zest
The ultra-tart yuzu is not usually eaten whole but is used as an accent in many traditional Asian dishes.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemon Yuzu
Current Stock Height: 60/75 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. An interesting fast growing Hybrid lemon which has medium sized pale yellow fruit that are reasonably easy to peel. The flavour is mild and sweet compared to many other lemons. Excellent for refreshing summer drinks. Plant in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Lemonade
Citrus. On 'Flying Dragon' rootstock to keep compact. An interesting fast growing Hybrid lemon which has medium sized pale yellow fruit that are reasonably easy to peel. The flavour is mild and sweet compared to many other lemons. Plant in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Lemonade Dwf
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Finger Lime
Citrus. Australian Finger limes. Known as the caviar of citrus with deliciously aromatic, smooth pebbled skin, with a crisp lemon lime flavour combination. Needs a sheltered frost free site to crop really well. Can be grown in a container. Evergreen
This is a versatile fruit for the kitchen whether used for marmalade, flavouring spice, eaten fresh or used to garnish other foods. Trifoloate root stock / fruit in approx 3 - 4 years
Citrus Information Pages
Lime Australasica
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 2l ?
Lime Australasica
Current Stock Height: 45/50 cm ?
Container: 5.5l ?
aka Lime
Citrus. The essential Lime to use for culinary purposes as all parts of the 'Kaffir' are strongly aromatic especially the unusual 'double' leaves - these are a vital ingredient in Thai and Indonesian cuisine. The fruit are green, rough and 'warty' and not particularly juicy. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Lime Kaffir Dwf
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Mandarin Lime
Citrus. Mandarin Lime. This Citrus has a bit of an identity crisis in that it looks like a Mandarin but tastes like a lime. It hails from India and its a vigorous grower with light green foliage and relatively few thorns. The fruit is considered superior for marmalade production. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Lime Rangpur
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. The fruit is usually flattened with a thin, smooth, orange rind that is easy to peel. The fruit is low-seeded in the absence of cross-pollination. The flesh is orange-coloured and juicy, with a rich and sweet flavor. Evergreen.
Fruiting season mid August through to mid October.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Afourer
Current Stock Height: 40/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Clementine Mandarin
NZ bred mandarin hybrid. The fruit is larger than a mandarin, and a bit smaller than a tangelo, with an exceptional flavour and easy peel too. Developed in NZ, its perfect for growing in our conditions here. Starts ripening when most of the winter mandarins are finishing for the season
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Bay Sweetie
Current Stock Height: 45/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Clementine Mandarin
NZ bred dwarf mandarin hybrid. The fruit is larger than a mandarin, and a bit smaller than a tangelo, with an exceptional flavour and easy peel too. Developed in NZ, its perfect for growing in our conditions here. Starts ripening when most of the winter mandarins are finishing for the season
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Bay Sweetie Dwf
Current Stock Height: 45/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
A popular early maturing variety that has small, sweet juicy fruit of good colour and flavour. Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Remove fruit with sharp secateurs a few centimeters above the stalk. An ideal container plant which will be both ornamental and productive. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Clementine
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. Medium sized, very juicy, thin skinned fruit, almost seedless. Ripens December holding fruit until around March. For the best flavour leave on the tree for about a week after the skin has turned completely orange. Mandarins are happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Encore
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Dwarf Mandarin
Citrus. On 'Flying Dragon' rootstock to keep compact. Medium sized, very juicy, thin skinned fruit which is easy to peel and almost seedless. Ripens December holding fruit until around March. Mandarins are happiest in a sunny well drained position. Can be grown in a container. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Encore Dwf
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Citrus. Extremely popular because it just tastes so good. Easy peel, virtually seedless, sweet juicy fruit. For the best flavour leave on the tree for about a week after the skin has turned completely orange. Plant in a sunny well drained position. Ripen May - July Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Satsuma
Current Stock Height: 80/90 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
A vigorous and reliable form of Mandarin with large smooth skinned fruit from May-July. Easy to peel with good quality fruit that only improves as the tree matures. Can be grown in a container if you wish. Plant in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Satsuma Aoshima
Current Stock Height: 35/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. Large, easy peel flattened fruit with a good sweet flavour. Prolific bearer from May through to June. Forms quite a large tree for a Citrus with a spreading canopy. Plant in a warm sunny position and remember when picking the fruit to cut off with sharp secateurs. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Satsuma Kawano
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Dwarf Mandarin
Citrus. On 'Flying Dragon' rootstock to keep compact. Large, easy peel flattened fruit with a good sweet flavour. Prolific bearer from May through to June. Plant in a warm sunny position and remember when picking the fruit to cut off with sharp secateurs. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Satsuma Kawano Dwf
Current Stock Height: 40/45 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. Satsuma Miho is very early ripening with fruit ready to eat from April/ May. The easy peel, flat fruit has a mild sweet taste. Excellent ornamental Citrus for a container or equally at home in a sunny spot in the garden. Prefers a well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Satsuma Miho
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Citruatsuma. Quite large typically 'flattened' fruit with smooth thin rind that is easy to peel. Sweet tangy flavour. Early June ripening, lovely to eat straight off the tree and straight into the mouth. Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Mandarin Satsuma Miyagawa Wase
Current Stock Height: 45/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus. Forms a lovely small tree producing masses of rich orange teardrop shaped fruit. The thick soft sweet aromatic skin is quite delicious, with tart flesh. Evergreen
Citrus Information Pages
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Asian Pear, Papple
An exciting new nashi. Highly attractive lemon fruit with bright red/orange blush. Mild sweet, low acid flavour, with a crisp and juicy texture. Very productive & black spot resistant.
Pear and Nashi Information Page
Nashi Reddy Robin
Current Stock Height: 70/75 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Blood Orange
Citrus. The Spanish Blood Orange is a thornless, highly productive, evergreen tree. The fruit have smooth, shiny rind and sweet, juicy flesh. The flesh is flecked with red hence the common name. Ripens around August. Plant in the sun in fertile well drained soil. Evergreen.
Naturally grown in semi- and tropical regions, Blood Oranges required cool nights with daytime warmth with plenty of sunshine hours for the fruit to show "blood" colours. As trees mature the fruit colour is enhanced.
Citrus Information Pages
Orange Blood (Sanguinelli)
Current Stock Height: 40/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Orange
Citrus. Talk about unusual! Intriguing form of orange that has hand shaped fruit with long fingers. As there is no pulp it is the lemon flavoured zest that makes the fruit desirable. Often used to flavour lemon liqueurs and specialty vodkas so there's a new hobby for you! Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Buddhas Hand
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Navel Orange
Citrus. 'Fukumoto' is an attractive Navel orange with large round fruit with quite a strong reddish tinge to the rind. Sweet tasting and delicious it ripens in late winter. Quite a compact grower. Plant in the sun in well drained fertile soil and protect from harsh frost. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Orange Fukumoto
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Valencia Orange
Citrus. A very good orange developed in NZ from a 'Valencia' seedling. The fruit is sweet and juicy with few seeds, produced in large quantities and holds well on the tree. The fruit ripens from summer through to autumn. Plant in a sunny well drained spot with protection from harsh frost. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Orange Harwood Late
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Navel Orange
Citrus. A Spanish variety with fruit of an excellent quality and lots of juice. The fruit is produced in great quantity and is ready around June. Lovely deep red/orange skin. The tree is relatively thornless which is an added bonus. Happiest in a warm sunny spot. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Orange Navelina
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Valencia Orange
Citrus. A top eating orange with juicy, high quality flesh with few seeds. The thin skinned fruit holds well on the tree and is ripe from late spring through to summer. Crops well. Used extensively for fruit juice production through-out the world. Plant in the sun in well drained soil. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Orange Valencia
Current Stock Height: 80/100 cm ?
Container: 3.5l ?
Citrus With its easy peel skin it is almost seedless and very juicy. A bit tangy if picked too early. Lovely orange skin that stands out in the home garden or orchard. Ripens from August through to October and holds well on the tree. Evergreen.
Pick when skin colour fades.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangelo Bay Gold
Current Stock Height: 45/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
Citrus Dwarf - Flying dragon rootstock. With its easy peel skin it is almost seedless and very juicy. A bit tangy if picked too early. Lovely orange skin that stands out in the home garden or orchard. Ripens from August through to October and holds well on the tree. Evergreen.
Pick when skin colour fades.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangelo Bay Gold Dwf
Current Stock Height: 45/50 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Tangelo
Citrus. Bright, red- orange, semi-flat fruit that are very juicy and rich in flavour with just a hint of sharpness. Thin sk0inned and very juicy. Pick when skin colour fades. Ripens from August through to October and holds well on the tree. Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangelo Seminole
Current Stock Height: 50/70 ?
Container: 3.5l ?
aka Tangelo
Citrus Dwarf - Flying dragon rootstock. Bright, red-orange, semi-flat fruit that are very juicy and rich in flavour with just a hint of sharpness. Thin skinned and very juicy. Pick when skin colour fades. Ripens from August through to October and holds well on the tree. Evergreen.
This is reportedly the most popular Tangelo in N.Z.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangelo Seminole Dwf FD
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Mandarin-Orange Hybrid
Citrus. A unique hybrid of Mandarin and Sweet Orange, 'Kiyomi' has excellent crops of large, bright orange fruit with textured skin that is easy peel. The seedless fruit is rich and spicy in flavor. Great for juicing. Evergreen.
This fruits name Tangor comes from a combination of TANG-erine and OR-ange.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangor Kiyomi
Current Stock Height: 40/45 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Dwarf Mandarin-Orange Hybrid
Citrus. A unique hybrid of Mandarin and Sweet Orange, 'Kiyomi' Tangor bears good crops of large, bright orange fruit with pebbly-textured skin. Rich and spicy in flavor, it is good for fresh eating and for juice. Peels easily. Plant in a sunny spot in fertile well drained soil. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangor Kiyomi Dwf
Current Stock Height: 35/45 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
aka Jamaican Tangelo
Citrus. A vigorous bushy tree with good crops of medium to large bright orange fruit that mature from October through to December. The skin is thick and course but peels easily. A great tasting, seedless, very juicy fruit. Needs a warm sheltered and well drained position. Evergreen.
Citrus Information Pages
Tangor Ugli
Current Stock Height: 40/45 cm ?
Container: 4.7l ?
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: