Gardening-Accessories - sale/Gardening-Accessories
PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALL A 'Fruit and Flower Booster', sulphate of potash will promote flowering, add colour and fragrance in flowers, flavour and colour in fruit. It will also strengthen plants and aid in disease and pest resistance. Use to 'Harden off' garden before winter.
Sulphate Of Potash 900g Current Stock Height: 900g Container: Bag ? $14.99 aka Flowers of Sulpher Flowers of Sulphur helps to control Red Spider Mite and Powdery Mildew. Also acidifies soil and can be used as a bulb duster. Is good for acid loving plants like heaths and heathers, grevilleas, rhododendrons and gardenias. Sulphur Powder 500g Current Stock Height: 500g Container: 500g ? $26.99 Systemic insecticide. Is an all purpose combination spray for roses and ornamentals. It protects against wide range of insects, mite and fungal diseases yet does not interfere with honey bees one spray is dry. Come in three different sizes. 1L, 500ml and 200ml. Chem Super Shield 1L Current Stock Height: 1L Container: Bottle ? $114.99 Chem Super Shield 200ml Current Stock Height: 200ml Container: Bottle ? $46.99 Stock of this item is very low. Chem Super Shield 500ml Current Stock Height: 500ml Container: Bottle ? $76.99 Stock of this item is very low. For the control of Moss, Lichen, Liverwort and Algae. Great for pots, cobbles, roof tiles, concrete and driveways. Does not stain concrete or leave unsightly black moss after treatment. Fast acting. 200ml of concentrate makes up 4-20 litres of spray. Surrender Mosskiller Current Stock Height: 200 ml Container: 200ml ? $19.99 An all year round complete garden fertiliser enriched with organic and inorganic ingredients to improve plant and soil vitality. Made from a combination of fish and seaweed plus added NPK for fast and strong plant growth. Trace elements to ensure healthy plants. Humates to feed the soil and invrease nutrient availability. Bio AKtiv microbes to improve plant root health and molasses to maintain soil microbe health. Fert Thrive Fish and Seaweed 500 Current Stock Height: 500ml Container: Bottle ? $21.99 Knife. This high carbon, serrated sickle knife with wooden handle has been designed to ease the task of cutting flax, bird of paradise or other similar plants. Tool Flax Knife 10cm Current Stock Height: 10 cm Container: 1 ? $13.99 Tool Flax Knife 15cm Current Stock Height: 15 cm Container: 1 ? $14.99 Stock of this item is very low. aka Snips ARS Snips - SE45. These little snips come highly recommended by our Nursery Worker Bev who uses them every day. Made from hardened stainless steel with a light-weight, ergonomic design they are ideal for dead-heading, vegetable and fruit harvesting or simply picking flowers.
Snips ARS SE-45 Current Stock Height: 45mm Container: 183mm ? $59.99 PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALL
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
10ml make 10L of spray
Spare parts are available if ever needed.
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: