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Perennials - sale/Perennials


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aka Clematis hybrid

An award winning little Clematis that as a sprawling habit rather than being a clinging climber. The beautiful nodding mauve-blue flowers appear in summer and autumn. Happiest in well drained, deep cool soil. Prune as per Group 3. Deciduous. RHS AGM

Group 3


Flower Colour: Lavender / Blue
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 1.5m x 1m

Clematis Arabella

Expected Stock Height: 10/20 cm  ? 

Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock.

Picture of Clivia Fire Glow

aka Kaffir Lily

A beautiful Clivia bred by Dr Keith Hammett. Glossy green leaves and fragrant dark orange coloured flowers appear in summer. A wonderful plant for brightening up dry shady spot. Grows best in a shady, frost free site. Tolerates dry soils, water well in summer and keep dry in winter. Perennial.


Flower Colour: Orange
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 70cm x 70cm

Clivia Fire Glow

Current Stock Height: 40/50 cm  ? 

Container: 3.5l  ? 


Picture of Clivia Golden Queen

aka Kaffir Lily

A beautiful perennial with dark green broad strap like foliage and peachy yellow flowers which appear from spring. Happiest out of direct sunlight, ideal for planting under deciduous trees. Frost tender. Evergreen.


Flower Colour: Yellow
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 60cm x 40cm

Clivia Golden Queen

Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Clivia Grandiflora

aka Clivia

Superb evergreen perennial for planting under mature trees or in a shady spot. The dark green strap like foliage adds a touch of tropical drama to the garden. Strong stems of deep orange blooms rise above the foliage and add the WOW! Protect from frost.


Flower Colour: Orange
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 60cm x 60cm

Clivia Grandiflora

Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm  ? 

Container: 3.5l  ? 


Picture of Clivia Miniata

aka Kaffir Lily

Exotic tropical looking perennial with broad strap like foliage and large orange flower heads which appear from early spring. Happiest out of direct sunlight therefore ideal for planting in large drifts under deciduous or native trees. The clumps get better and better as they mature. Evergreen.

Clivia are frost tender plants but as they are usually planted under trees this affords them some protection. They do well in a container. They are surface rooted so avoid soil disturbance.


Flower Colour: Orange
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 60cm x 40cm

Clivia Miniata

Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm  ? 

Container: 3.5l  ? 


Picture of Clivia Moon Glow

aka Kaffir Lily

The horticultural world waited a long time for a yellow Clivia but oh it was well worth it. Large clump forming perennial with strong strappy green leaves and stems of butter yellow flower heads. Stunning mass planted under trees. Happiest in semi-shade and protected from frost. Evergreen.


Flower Colour: Yellow
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 60cm x 60cm

Clivia Moon Glow

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


This plant will soon be in stock and can be pre-purchased now.

Picture of Clivia Orange and Lime

aka Kaffir Lily

Exotic tropical looking perennial with broad strap like foliage and large orange flower heads with a nice green throat which appear from early spring. Happiest out of direct sunlight therefore ideal for planting in large drifts under deciduous or native trees. Evergreen.

Clivia are frost tender plants but as they are usually planted under trees this affords them some protection. They do well in a container. They are surface rooted so avoid soil disturbance.


Flower Colour: Orange / Green
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 80cm x 80cm

Clivia Orange and Lime

Current Stock Height: 10/20 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Clivia Red

aka Kaffir Lily

A handsome perennial with broad strap like foliage and large red flower heads which appear from early spring. Happiest out of direct sunlight, ideal for planting under deciduous trees. These seedlings are from the Dr Hammett Clivia breeding programme. Evergreen.


Flower Colour: Red
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 60cm x 40cm

Clivia Red

Current Stock Height: 15/25 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Clivia Santa Barbara

aka Kaffir Lily

Superb evergreen perennial for planting under mature trees or in the shade. The dark green strap like foliage adds a touch of tropical drama to the garden. Strong stems of bright orange-red blooms with a yellow throat rise above the foliage and add some 'pizzaz' to shady spots. Protect from frost.

Pronounced 'klie-vee-a' as named after Lady Clive Duchess of Northumberland and grand-daughter of Clive of India. Want to know more just ask Mr Google.


Flower Colour: Orange / Red
Habit: Clump Forming
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 80cm x 80cm

Clivia Santa Barbara

Current Stock Height: 30/45 cm  ? 

Container: 5.5l  ? 


Picture of Comfrey

Comfrey should be termed as a 'super-plant' it can be used as a medicinal herb, tea, vegetable, animal feed and green manure. Tall and wide spreading, it reaches a height of 60 to 90cm. With large, coarse leaves and flowers which are blue or creamy white grow in spikes and bloom all summer. It is easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Purple
Habit: Upright


Current Stock Height: 5/10 cm  ? 

Container: 0.5l  ? 



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HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: