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aka Californian Lilac

When this evergreen shrub is in full flower in spring it is hard to see the foliage amongst the brilliant blue flower heads. Stunning. The foliage is dark green and has a neat and tidy habit. Likes the sun and protection from harsh wind and frost. Trim after flowering if required.


Flower Colour: Blue
Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 2m x 1.5m

Ceanothus Roweanus

Expected Stock Height: 30/45 cm  ? 

New stock expected Autumn, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Ceanothus Yankee Point

aka Californian Lilac

If you like blue then the Californian Lilac is the plant for you. Lovely glossy evergreen foliage and in spring profuse clusters of bright blue flowers put on a really dazzling show. Copes well with a hot dry position making this spreading shrub ideal for banks and walls. Appreciates a regular haircut.


Flower Colour: Blue
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 90cm x 300cm

Ceanothus Yankee Point

Expected Stock Height: 25/30 cm  ? 

New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.

Picture of Chaenomeles Alarm

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an arching network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with clusters of tight buds that open out to single bright red flowers. Nice complementary fresh green foliage. Very showy, good for floral art. Easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Red
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.5m x 1.5m

Chaenomeles Alarm

Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm  ? 

Container: 4.5l  ? 


Picture of Chaenomeles Early Orange

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an arching network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with clusters of buds that open out to bright little blooms of vibrant orange adding colour to dull winter days. Green summer foliage. Easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Orange
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.5m x 1.5m

Chaenomeles Early Orange

Expected Stock Height: 40/45 cm  ? 

New stock expected Middle of July, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.

Picture of Chaenomeles Green Ice

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an interesting network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with tight clusters of buds that open out to exquisite white blooms that tinge followed by gold-green fruit. Great for floral art.


Flower Colour: Green / White
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.8m x 1.5m

Chaenomeles Green Ice

Expected Stock Height: 20/30 cm  ? 

New stock expected Middle of July, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.

Picture of Chaenomeles Mrs Murphy

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an interesting network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with tight clusters of buds that open out to double blooms of rich red. The flowers are followed by ornamental fruit that look like small quinces and fresh green foliage.


Flower Colour: Red
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.8m x 1.5m

Chaenomeles Mrs Murphy

Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm  ? 

Container: 4.5l  ? 


Picture of Chaenomeles Orange Storm 90cm Std

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an arching network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with clusters of tight buds that open out to single orange flowers. Nice complementary fresh green foliage. Very showy, good for floral art. Easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Orange
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard

Chaenomeles Orange Storm 90cm Std

Expected Stock Height: STD-90/HGT-150 cm  ? 

Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock.

Picture of Chaenomeles Pink Storm

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an arching network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with clusters of tight buds that open out to double pink flowers. Nice complementary fresh green foliage. Very showy, good for floral art. Easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Pink
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 1.8m x 1.5m

Chaenomeles Pink Storm

Current Stock Height: 25/30 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Stock of this item is very low.

Picture of Chaenomeles Pink Storm 90cm Std

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an arching network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with clusters of tight buds that open out to double pink flowers. Nice complementary fresh green foliage. Very showy, good for floral art. Easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Pink
Habit: Standard
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard

Chaenomeles Pink Storm 90cm Std

Current Stock Height: STD-90/HGT-150 cm  ? 

Container: 8.5l  ? 


Picture of Chaenomeles Scarlet Storm

aka Japonica or Flowering Quince

A tough and hardy deciduous shrub with an arching network of bare branches that usually have thorns. In winter these are covered with clusters of tight buds that open out to double, scarlet red flowers. Nice complementary fresh green foliage. Very showy, good for floral art. Easy to grow.


Flower Colour: Red
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 1.8m x 1.5m

Chaenomeles Scarlet Storm

Current Stock Height: 25/30 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Stock of this item is very low.


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HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: