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PAGE 1 2 ALL aka Lemon Citrus. Here's something to make you go 'Eureka' - an unusual variegated form of this popular Lemon. Both the foliage and fruit are variegated green and lemon but the fruit turn completely yellow upon maturity. The flesh of the lemon has hints of pink. Evergreen.
Lemon Eureka Variegata Current Stock Height: 50/70 cm ? Container: 5.5l ? $54.99 Citrus. Here's something to make you go 'Eureka' - an unusual variegated form of this popular Lemon. Both the foliage and fruit are variegated green and lemon but the fruit turn completely yellow upon maturity. The flesh of the lemon has hints of pink. Evergreen. Lemon Eureka Variegata Patio STD Current Stock Height: STD-70/HGT-110 cm ? Container: 5l ? $169.99 Citrus. This is a thornless lemon when mature. It originates in Italy, has large juicy sour fruit which ripen from July to December. The fruit is medium sized with greenish-yellow flesh that is almost seedless. Plant in a sunny well drained spot. Evergreen.
Lemon Genoa Current Stock Height: 60/75 cm ? Container: 5.5l ? $54.99 Citrus. This lemon comes from Australia where it was grown from seed sent from Portugal way back when. One for the lemon connoisseur, deliciously juicy, fragrant fruit with a thick skin. Very productive and vigorous with good cold tolerance though it prefers a warm sheltered spot. Evergreen. Lemon Lisbon Current Stock Height: 50/70 cm ? Container: 5.5l ? $54.99 Citrus. NZ's most popular lemon and deservedly so. Very juicy and a really good cropper. Once established the tree will seldom be without a lemon. More tolerant of cold than many other lemons. Can you feel a Gin and Tonic coming on? Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen. Lemon Meyer Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ? Container: 3.5l ? $54.99 Lemon Meyer Expected Stock Height: 80/100 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Lemon Meyer Expected Stock Height: 60/90 cm ? New stock expected Middle of August, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Lemon Meyer Expected Stock Height: 80/100 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of May, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $99.99. Payment on order.
aka Lemon On 'Flying Dragon' rootstock to keep compact. Very juicy and a really good cropper. Once established the tree will seldom be without a lemon. More tolerant of cold than many other lemons. Can you feel a Gin and Tonic coming on? Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen. Lemon Meyer Dwf Current Stock Height: 70/90 cm ? Container: 3.5l ? $54.99 aka Lemon Meyer Standard Citrus. NZ's most popular lemon and deservedly so. Very juicy and a really good cropper. Once established the tree will seldom be without a lemon. More tolerant of cold than many other lemons. Can you feel and Gin and Tonic coming on? Happiest in a sunny well drained position. Lemon Meyer Std 120cm Current Stock Height: STD-140/150cmT140cm ? Container: 8.5l ? $169.99 Citrus. The ponderosa lemon is a citrus species thought to be a hybrid of a lemon and a citron. It is less cold hardy than a true lemon. It bears medium to large fruit that have a thick and bumpy rind.Can be put in a container and can be grown indoors. Evergreen
Lemon Ponderosa Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ? Container: 4.7l ? $54.99 aka Lemon Citrus. 'Villa Franca' originates from Europe and produces large, sharp tasting, juicy lemons. A good choice for those who like a real zingy lemon flavour. The fruit is pale and smooth and matures from April until July. Mostly thornless. Plant in a sunny well drained position. Evergreen. Lemon Villa Franca Current Stock Height: 45/50 cm ? Container: 4.7l ? $54.99 aka Lemon Citrus. 'Villa Franca' originates from Europe and produces large, sharp tasting, juicy lemons. A good choice for those who like a real zingy lemon flavour. Mostly thornless. This is an unusual and interesting form with variegated foliage and fruit. Evergreen.
Lemon Villa Franca Variegated Expected Stock Height: 50/70 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of June, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Lemon Eureka loves a warm sheltered spot in the garden with protection from harsh frost. The fruit has quite a low pip count and there are not too many thorns on the branches so if you fertilize and water regularly you've got yourself a great little Lemon tree.
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Variegated
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 2.5m x 2.5m
Lemon Eureka loves a warm sheltered spot in the garden with protection from harsh frost. The fruit has quite a low pip count and there are not too many thorns on the branches so if you fertilize and water regularly you've got yourself a great little Lemon tree.
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): STD
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 3m x 2.5m
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 3m x 2.5m
All Citrus love being fed and watered regularly, especially if container grown. They respond quickly to a little pampering and will reward you for your efforts. When harvesting the fruit cut rather than pull off the tree.
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 2m x 1.5m
Every NZ garden should have a 'Meyer' lemon tree because they are so easy to grow and crop so well. They are however quite a 'sweet' lemon so if you prefer a real sharp acid taste then plant another variety to keep your 'Meyer' company.
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.5m x 1m
To keep your Lemon Standard looking good feed and water regularly. Trim new shoots below the main branches. Remember always cut off ripe fruit rather than pulling.
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Standard
Citrus Information Pages
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 4m x 3m
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 3m x 2.5m
Citrus Information Pages
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Variegated
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 3m x 2.5m
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: