Fruit and Nuts  ⏵  Apple  ⏵  Apple Wandin Glory H:W1.7
Picture of Apple Wandin Glory H/W1.7

aka Weeping Apple

Weeping. Develops into an excellent tree with an umbrella head and dense green foliage. Masses of spring blossom followed in summer by good crops of full-sized highly coloured, sweetly flavoured apples. Originates from Australia. Deciduous.

Apple Information Page


Flower Colour: Pink / White
Habit: Weeping
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): cm x cm

Apple Wandin Glory Weeper H/W 1.8

Current Stock Height: STD-180/HGT-200 cm  ? 

Container: 13l  ? 



Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: