One of the biggest misconceptions in the world of gardening is that Roses are difficult and time-consuming to grow. Nothing could be further from the truth. Roses are easy to grow and are amongst the most tolerant of plants. Obviously, with the correct feeding and cultivation techniques they will perform to their absolute best. However even if you are the most neglectful gardener you should still be able to enjoy the perfection of a rose bush in bloom. After all Roses have endured since time as we know it began, and are still the most popular flower in the world today. So feel the fear and do it anyway - plant a rose or three. If you are still a little uncertain, check out our
How To section for useful tips.
Roses have inspired poets, writers, artists, designers and gardeners for thousands of years. We are sure our extensive range will inspire you. Remember we have the largest range in New Zealand to choose from whether you love modern Hybrid Teas, old-fashioned Ramblers, Floribundas and everything in between. Just click on the various varieties listed for specific information and range.
"Rose! Thou art the sweetest flower that ever drank the amber shower: Even the Gods, who walk the sky, are amorous of thy scented sigh."