Shrubs Assorted - Just Arrived
Abelia is so versatile. Green and cream edged foliage, small white flowers. Hardy to cold and drought, they make great formal or casual hedges. You can turn them into standards or topiaries for fun, grow in a pot, use as ground covers, fantastic filler plants and as specimen tree. Evergreen
Abelia Grandiflora Snowdrift
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
This easy to grow shrub has glossy, fresh green leaves with a creamy yellow edge. New spring growth is flushed red, creating interest early in the year. Tubular white flowers with a sweet smell are produced through the summer, much to the delight of bees. Perennial PVR
Abelia Sunshine Daydream
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
This spreading prostrate evergreen produces tight clusters of powder-blue flowers. These contrast nicely with the small lime green leaves that are splashed a darker green. This plant needs a well drained warm site in full sun position. Once established it requires little attention other than a light pruning after flowering.
Ceanothus Diamond Heights
Current Stock Height: 5/10 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Butterfly Bush
Commonly known as the Blue butterfly bush for the obvious reason of the beautiful Butterfly shape flowers in the prettiest of porcelain blue. An open upright bushy shrub that will benefit from a trim to keep in shape from time to time. Full sun to partial shade and protect from frost
Clerodendron ugandense
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 2l ?
Clerodendron ugandense
Current Stock Height: 70/90 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
Stock of this item is very low.
aka Bush Morning Glory
Morning Glory Bush. One of the best silver foliage shrubs available. Looks fabulous planted in a group. Pure white open trumpet flowers produced en masse from summer through to autumn. As with most grey foliage plants happiest in sunny position with good drainage. Evergreen.
Convolvulus Cneorum
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 2.4l ?
Convolvulus Cneorum
New stock expected Beginning of May, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $34.99. Payment on order.
aka Barberry Cotoneaster
An easy to grow ground cover shrub with small, dark green, glossy leaves that quickly forms a carpet of foliage. Tiny white flowers in spring are followed by bright red fruits that birds love. Hardy and tolerant. Semi-evergreen.
Cotoneaster Dammeri
Current Stock Height: 5/10 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Escallonia
One of the best plants available to light up a shady area. New foliage is soft lime green and gradually turns to more golden tones. The flowers are a rosy pink and appear in summer. Happiest with protection from the afternoon sun. Trims well. Evergreen.
Escallonia Gold Brian
Current Stock Height: 10/20 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Escallonia
A compact dwarf Escallonia with vibrant glossy leaves and brilliant pink bell-shaped flowers from late Spring to late Summer. Fast growing, it will develop into a showy hedge. Good as a potted specimen. Prefers full sun to part shade, well drained soil. Good coastal plant, frost tolerant. Evergreen
Escallonia Pink Elle
Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Kanuka
Fast growing evergreen shrub or small erect tree. Bright green leaves which release volatile oils when crushed. Similar to Manuka but leaves are soft and flowers and seeds are smaller than Manuka. Attractive branching pattern and profuse flowering in summer.
Kunzea Ericoides
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 0.5l ?
aka Nandina
This Nandina is for those of you who don't want red in your gardens! Magical Lemon n Lime has bright lime green foliage that fades to a deep green -it will not turn red even in winter! The two tone greens look amazing. Stunning as a hedge, boarder or in containers, superb for cut foliage. Evergreen
Nandina Magical Lemon Lime
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 4.5l ?
Nandina Magical Lemon Lime
Expected Stock Height: 10/15 cm ?
New stock expected Middle of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.
aka Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo
An interesting foliage plant that forms a small compact rounded bush. The leaves which are often crinkled are lime green changing to shades of purple, crimson and orange through winter. Grows with very little fuss and is very tolerant. Looks best group planted in a sunny spot. Evergreen.
Nandina Pygmaea
Current Stock Height: 25/30 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
Nandina Pygmaea
Expected Stock Height: 25/30 cm ?
New stock expected Autumn, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $49.99. Payment on order.
aka Osmanthus
A top performing little evergreen shrub with dainty glossy green foliage and a profusion of highly fragrant little white flowers that appear in winter. Easy to grow in morning sun or dappled light, prefers acid soil is possible. Responds well to clipping which should be done after flowering. PVR.
Osmanthus Pearly Gates
Current Stock Height: 40/50 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Sweet Pea Shrub
A compact dwarf evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. Pretty Mauve/Purple sweet pea-like flowers appear nearly all year round. Plant in full sun or part shade. Cold hardy and withstands dry and sunny conditions. Great for containers, borders or coastal plantings.
Polygala Little Bibi
Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm ?
Container: 1.5l ?
aka Glory Bush
Glory Bush. Beautiful dark green velvety leaves and purple coloured flowers in summer and autumn. Frost tender and needs protection from the wind. Will grow well in a sunny spot in the garden. Evergreen
Tibouchina Purple Moon
Current Stock Height: 35/50 cm ?
Container: 2.4l ?
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: