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Selected natives @ 9.99, 10 for $9 each
PAGE 1 2 ALL aka Birds Nest Fern Probably better known as Bird's Nest Fern is a very striking feature plant with its bright green, wavy edged fronds that grow in a rosette shape forming a bowl or nest shape in the centre. Can be grown as an indoor plant for air purification or outside. Frost tender. Asplenium Antiquum Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ? Container: 2.4l ? $29.99 aka Hen and Chicken Fern This NZ native Fern makes a striking cover plant for shady situations. Looks good group planted beneath established trees and is useful to plant with Hostas carrying on the interest after the Hostas have died down. Likes the shade and nice moist humus rich soil. Protect from frost.
Asplenium Bulbiferum Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ? Container: 2.4l ? $24.99 Asplenium Bulbiferum Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ? Container: 5l ? $39.99 aka Hen and Chicken Fern Native. A selected form of the 'Hen and Chicken' Fern that has luxuriant thick and shiny green fronds. Makes a striking ground cover plant for shady situations. Looks good group planted beneath established trees. Likes the shade and nice moist humus rich soil. Protect from frost. Evergreen.
Asplenium Maori Princess Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm ? Container: 2.5l ? $26.99 Asplenium Maori Princess Expected Stock Height: 20/30 cm ? New stock expected Autumn, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.
aka Shining Spleenwort Native. Very attractive fern with lush, glossy, green fronds that can be up to 1m long. Likes a semi-shaded position in humus rich soil that is not too wet. Ideal for naturalizing under large trees. Also happy in a container. Protect from frost. Evergreen.
Asplenium Oblongifolium Current Stock Height: 20/40 cm ? $29.99 aka Crown Fern or Pui-Pui Native Fern. This fern earned its name from the attractive crown of bright green radiating fronds. The fronds are long, narrow and segmented and form a rosette. Gradually spreads. Loves moisture and shade with protection from harsh frost. Perennial.
Blechnum Discolour (Crown Fern) Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ? New stock expected Middle of May, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Kiokio, Gully Fern A hardy popular fern that will grow in deep shade or in a more open site. New growth has red tones. Great for erosion control on banks as it has a good root system and if fast growing.
Blechnum Novae Zealandiae Expected Stock Height: 20/40 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Alpine Water Fern A low growing fern that spreads by creeping rhizomes. Its natural habitat is on the edge of alpine bogs so that tells you it likes moisture and can tolerate cold. The dark green fronds are tipped with pink when young. It likes quite a lot of light and makes an excellent groundcover. Evergreen Blechnum Penna Marina Expected Stock Height: 10/20 cm ? Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Crown Fern Native Fern. This fern is also known as the dwarf tree fern as it develops a short trunk when mature. Can be grown indoors or outdoors. Likes a warm shady spot in the garden with moist free draining soil.
Blechnum Silver Lady Current Stock Height: 15/25 cm ? Container: 2.4l ? $29.99 aka Silver Tree Fern, Ponga, Punga Native. NZ's iconic national symbol the 'Silver Fern' is relatively easy to grow in a semi-shaded position with humus rich soil and protection from harsh frost. Forms an erect trunk topped off with a crown of green fronds with distinctive silver-white undersides. Evergreen.
Cyathea Dealbata Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ? Container: 5l ? $39.99 Cyathea Dealbata Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Soft Tree Fern or Katote Native. Soft and delicate looking fronds spread horizontally from the crown reaching 2-2.5m in length. The trunk is covered in chestnut coloured scales. Plant in a sheltered position in moist humus rich soil. Water during dry spells. Evergreen Cyathea Smithii Current Stock Height: 25/35 cm ? Container: 5l ? $34.99
Thriving in the low light it is an excellent container plant for a sheltered and shaded patio or shade house in warm climates.
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 30cm x 30cm
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 80cm x 30cm
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 100cm x 50cm
The Maori Name for this fern is Huruhuru Whenua.
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 100cm x 30cm
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 30cm x spreads
Mature Size (HxW): 50cm x 70cm
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): Spreading
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 100cm x 100cm
It is important that your 'Silver Fern' does not completely dry out in long hot summers. As you will be sitting under it for shade remember to give it a drink when you're having a cold one!
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 4.5m x 3m
Suitable for warmer areas including Auckland/Northland
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 8m x 5m
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
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