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Picture of Hydrangea Red Start

aka Lacecap Hydrangea

Lacecap. Gorgeous, large flattened flower-heads made up of tiny pale pink flowers in the centre, surrounded by an outer ring of rich rosy red florets. Glossy green foliage completes the picture. Plant in morning sun or part shade, side dress annually with Lime to maintain the pink tones. Deciduous.

This Hydrangea is AKA Rotschwarz. Information Pages


Flower Colour: Red / Pink
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.5m x 1m

Hydrangea Red Start

Current Stock Height: 10/20 cm  ? 

Container: 5l  ? 



HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: