how to  ⏵  Gardening Safety


Gardening Safety 

Gardening is fun, relaxing and a healthy/creative activity … Keep it that way – use common sense, and follow a few simple rules… 
- Be Sun-smart, protect your skin and eyes from sunburn - wear a hat, cover up, and use sunscreen or block and sunglasses. 
- Protect yourself from injury by wearing sensible shoes, clothing and protective gear (gloves, mask, ear-muffs, etc.) 
- Protect your back, by using long handled tools, keep good balance when bending and lifting, and stop and stretch occasionally
- Breathe Easy - have plenty of air movement when working inside a garden shed or glass house.
- Garden tools and machinery should be kept in good repair and cleaned regularly. 
Chemicals and non-chemical mixes used to control pests and diseases 
ALWAYS read instructions on chemicals and non-chemical mixes - including fertilisers, insecticides, pesticides and sprays. 
Wear gloves when mixing and using – wash hands after use. 
Follow manufacturers recommendations for STORAGE, USE and DISPOSAL
Store out of sight and out of reach of young children
If in any doubt a product, contact the manufacturer

Soil, compost, mulch and potting mix
These products contain organisms that are very healthy for your plants but may be so healthy if inhaled by you. The danger is a soil borne organism called Legionnaires Disease
ALWAYS read warnings on commercial bags of these product, and use as directed
Use in the well-ventilated area (outside) and wear gloves 
SEAL partly used bags for storage

Poisonous (toxic) Plants 
There is no simple way to identify poisonous plants, some garden plants may have a level of toxicity; some plants are toxic to humans or animals or both, or only certain animals. Toxic plants may cause a reaction in humans like a skin rash or itch (mild), or a severe one, but thank goodness … plants are rarely fatal!  
Children should be taught not to sample or play with leaves, berries, bulbs or flowers.
Store bulbs and seeds out of sight and out of reach of young children.
The top 10 poisonous plants in New Zealand

If concerned about plants or a reaction to them contact-  
National Poisons Centre, 0800 POISON (0800764 7660, or 111 for Emergency.

Bees Wasps and Spiders 
If stung by a bee or wasp, apply an Ice pack, or seek medical attention if swelling or experiencing a severe reaction
Poisonous spiders are rare, but it’s wise to wear gloves when working around woodpiles

If concerned about a reaction to plants or bites – contact
National Poisons Centre, 0800 POISON (0800764 7660), or 111 for Emergency.


HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: