How do I Prune My Roses?
This is a question we keep getting asked, so we thought we would put together a few hints with the hope that this might help you out. It may look like a recipe and in some ways it is, but here is what we suggest.
Pruning Guide
Cut too high above bud: may die back
Cut at wrong angle to new bud - should be sloping away
Correct cut and to new bud
Pruning Summary
There are a lot of myths and apprehension attached to this pastime. The basic rules of rose pruning are really simple.
- Remove any diseased or spindly growth.
- Remove any branches that cross over other branches.
- Prune to buds slightly above the bud at approx 45degree angle sloping away from the bud cut cut finishes in line with bud.
- Aim for a well shaped and open bush or shrub.
- Usually remove one quarter to one third of the last seasons growth.
- If you are trying to maintain the bush to a certain height then work on replacing old wood with new current season's growth.
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: