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Shrubs - Just Arrived

Shrubs, along with trees, form the backbone structure of the garden design. They provide huge variation in their form, adaptability, tolerance and usage. They are selected for the colour of flower or foliage and for the shapes that they create, either naturally or by pruning. Shrubs lend themselves well to the formation of Topiary and Hedges.

Although some people regard shrubs as miniature trees, they have completely different growth habits. Some can sucker themselves and send creeping underground stems which root and thereby propagate themselves, whilst others renew themselves after hard pruning.


Picture of Aloysia Citriodora

aka Lemon verbena

Lemon Verbena. This open and rangy shrub will not win you over with its looks but will wow you with the delicious aromatic fragrance. Likes good drainage, sunlight and tolerant of light frost. Steep leaves in water to make a refreshing drink. Deciduous.

Give this plant a good tidy up every now and then with sharp secateurs - it will respond well. Small sprays of pale lavender flowers appear in summer but it is really the foliage that makes this shrub desirable.


Flower Colour: Lavender
Habit: Bushy
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 1.5m x 1m

Aloysia Citriodora

Current Stock Height: 0/5 cm  ? 

Container: .5l  ? 


Picture of Azalea Autumn Empress

aka Evergreen Azalea

Gorgeously pink, Single flowers appear in spring and repeat during summer and autumn; in winter the evergreen foliage becomes bronze, for year-round colour interest -- in containers as well as borders. These lovely shrubs look terrific in a mixed border or in foundation plantings.

All thrive in full sun or partial shade and evenly moist, acid soil.


Flower Colour: Pink
Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 100cm x 90cm

Azalea Autumn Empress

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5L  ? 


Picture of Azalea Autumn Lilac

aka Evergreen Azalea

Brilliant lavender blooms that are accented with darker purple freckles and stand out against its evergreen foliage. This is an Encore Azalea and so more sun tolerant than other azaleas. Bred for its cold hardiness and rounded growth habit. Beautiful in a pot, mass planted or as a border.


Flower Colour: Purple
Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 95cm x 100cm

Azalea Autumn Lilac

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Azalea Autumn Royalty

aka Evergreen Azalea

Autumn Royalty is a super heat tough and lace bug resistant Azalea. It has stunning fuchsia blooms that repeat in spring, summer and autumn. After 3 years of testing we are yet to see flower blight on this plant.


Flower Colour: Purple
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.25m x 1.25m

Azalea Autumn Royalty

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Buxus Nautilus

aka Upright Box

An upright Buxus that will grow tall and stay columnar in any garden, landscaping or in a pot to define tall and slender. With its natural habit and small green foliage its great for when you have limited width and don`t require bushy. Easy to grow in sun or part shade.

Similar plants Ilex Sky Pencil, Ilex Sky Sentry, Thuja Smaragd, Cupressus Totem, Cupressus Gracilis, Buxus Graham Blandy, Buxus Fastigata.


Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 2m x 0.5m

Buxus Nautilus

Current Stock Height: 80/90  ? 

Container: 8l  ? 


Picture of Casuarina Cousin It

Unique, strange, fun! This plant has a character all of its own, with fine 'hairy' strands of evergreen cascading foliage. Use as a groundcover or feature plant in rockeries, where it will spread to 1.5m across but only 30cm high. Excellent weed suppression, low maintenance. Evergreen


Habit: Groundcover
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 30cm x 150cm

Casuarina Cousin It

Current Stock Height: 5/10 cm  ? 

Container: 2.4l  ? 


Picture of Escallonia Gold Brian

aka Escallonia

One of the best plants available to light up a shady area. New foliage is soft lime green and gradually turns to more golden tones. The flowers are a rosy pink and appear in summer. Happiest with protection from the afternoon sun. Trims well. Evergreen.


Flower Colour: Pink
Leaves: Evergreen, Yellow
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.5m x 1.5m

Escallonia Gold Brian

Current Stock Height: 10/20 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Escallonia Pink Elle

aka Escallonia

A compact dwarf Escallonia with vibrant glossy leaves and brilliant pink bell-shaped flowers from late Spring to late Summer. Fast growing, it will develop into a showy hedge. Good as a potted specimen. Prefers full sun to part shade, well drained soil. Good coastal plant, frost tolerant. Evergreen


Flower Colour: Pink
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size (HxW): 80cmcm x 80cmcm

Escallonia Pink Elle

Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Gardenia Radicans

A spreading dwarf form of the eternally popular Gardenia. Covers itself in a mass of sweetly fragrant flowers from late spring to summer. Ideal as a container plant or use as a ground cover in a warm, frost free position in the garden. Will respond well to regular liquid feeding. Evergreen.


Flower Colour: White / Cream
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 30cm x 30cm

Gardenia augusta Radicans

Current Stock Height: 0/5 cm  ? 

Container: 1l  ? 



Gardenia Augusta Radicans

Expected Stock Height: 15/20 cm  ? 

Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock.


Gardenia Radicans

Expected Stock Height: 10/20 cm  ? 

New stock expected Autumn, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $32.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Hydrangea Annabelle

aka Smooth Hydrangea

This Hydrangea hails from the USA and is commonly known as the 'Smooth Hydrangea' because of the thin soft heart shaped leaves. Large heads of white flowers open from green buds in summer. The flowers turn green again as they age. Needs a semi-shaded position. Deciduous.

'Annabelle' is very hardy and will flower well even if cut back quite hard each year. Ensure your soil does not completely dry out in summer for best results. The flower heads are poised gracefully on the tips of the branches and this Hydrangea looks simply stunning in full flower. Information Pages


Flower Colour: White / Green
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.8m x 2m

Hydrangea Annabelle

Current Stock Height: 35/40 cm  ? 

Container: 5l  ? 


Picture of Ilex Sky Pencil

aka Japanese Holly

Fabulous form and foliage make this Holly a useful and desirable plant. Growing naturally upright and columnar it looks great in containers or used as an accent point. Happy in sun or part shade. Small white flowers followed by black berries but these are fairly inconspicuous. Evergreen.

This is also a useful plant where a narrow screen or hedge is required, it will do the job without dominating or becoming a constant trimming problem.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Columnar
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 2m x 0.5m

Ilex Sky Pencil

Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm  ? 

Container: 6l  ? 


Picture of Laurus Nobilis

aka Bay Tree

This is a top 10 shrub which not only looks good it tastes good as well! The leathery dark green foliage is highly aromatic and popular for cooking. This same foliage clips extremely well making the 'Bay' perfect for hedging and topiary work. Easy to grow. Evergreen.


Flower Colour: Yellow
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 4m x 3m

Laurus Nobilis

Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Loropetalum Firedance

aka Fringe Flower

Fringe Flower. Add some contrast to planting schemes with this easy to grow, evergreen shrub that has beautiful maroon-purple foliage that deepens in tone during the colder months. Fragrant, 'fringed' deep pink flowers in spring and summer. Sun to part shade.


Flower Colour: Pink
Habit: Arching
Leaves: Evergreen, Red
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 1.5m x 1.2m

Loropetalum Firedance

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 2.5l  ? 


Picture of Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous

aka Fringe Flower

Plum Gorgeous is the deepest and darkest coloured foliage of any Loropetalum, and retains its colour all year round. It’s interesting that this fact is seen as a greater attribute than the hot pink tasseled flowers it has through the spring and summer. Evergreen

Great in pots. Clips well.


Flower Colour: Red
Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Red
Mature Size (HxW): 100cm x 150cm

Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous

Current Stock Height: 25/35 cm  ? 

Container: 2.4l  ? 



Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous

Current Stock Height: 20/25 cm  ? 

Container: 4.5l  ? 


Picture of Nandina Blush

Produces red new growth when other Nandinas are green (spring and autumn). A compact, rounded, evergreen shrub with that produces red new growth in spring and autumn. In winter months, turns vivid red all over. Fabulous for foliage contrast and texture. It is a smaller variety that is a perfect height for fences, borders or hedging. PVR.AKA


Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Red
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 60cm x 60cm

Nandina Blush

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 4.5l  ? 



Nandina Blush

Expected Stock Height: 15/20cm  ? 

New stock expected Middle of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Nandina Magical Lemon and Lime

aka Nandina

This Nandina is for those of you who don't want red in your gardens! Magical Lemon n Lime has bright lime green foliage that fades to a deep green -it will not turn red even in winter! The two tone greens look amazing. Stunning as a hedge, boarder or in containers, superb for cut foliage. Evergreen


Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 90cm x 90cm

Nandina Magical Lemon Lime

Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm  ? 

Container: 4.5l  ? 



Nandina Magical Lemon Lime

Expected Stock Height: 10/15 cm  ? 

New stock expected Middle of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.

Picture of Viburnum Newport

A beautiful dwarf form of this worthy flowering shrub. In late spring snowy clusters of white snowball blooms decorate the ends of the branches. Attractive serrated fresh green foliage that turns deep burgundy prior to leaf fall. Neat and tidy habit. Plant in sun or part shade. Deciduous.


Flower Colour: White
Habit: Compact
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 100cm x 120cm

Viburnum Newport

Current Stock Height: 40/50 cm  ? 

Container: 5l  ? 


Picture of Westringia Naringa

Naringa is the best hedging Westringia available for medium to tall hedges. Tidy form with masses of mauve coloured flowers in spring and regularly at other times. Needs pruning about half as much as other Westringias, and in a natural setting, probably not at all. PVR.WES01


Flower Colour: Lavender
Habit: Compact
Leaves: Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 2.2m x 1.5m

Westringia Naringa

Current Stock Height: 35/40 cm  ? 

Container: 2.4l  ? 



HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: