Shrubs - Just Arrived
aka River Wattle
This interesting foliage shrub comes to us from "across the ditch" and is a useful landscaping or container plant. The lime green 'curvaceous' foliage forms a compact weeping mound. Will do best in well drained, light soil in sun or part shade.
Acacia 'Curvaceous' should only be given a very light dressing of slow release fertilizer in the autumn as it is not a greedy plant and shouldn't be over fertilized.
Acacia Curvaceous
Current Stock Height: 5/10 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Gorgeous shrub with fragrant flowers that open deep violet and gradually change to lavender and then white. In full flower you will find it hard to see the green foliage! Needs a sunny well drained spot with protection from frost. Evergreen.
Brunsfelsia should be pruned lightly after flowering.
Brunfelsia Eximea
Current Stock Height: 25/20 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
Brunfelsia Eximea
Expected Stock Height: 14/20 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of March, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $22.99. Payment on order.
aka Large Leafed Box or Wintergreen Boxwood
This form of Box has a larger leaf than many other varieties hence the name macro = large and phylla = leaf. The glossy green foliage looks good all year round and is particularly attractive in spring. Easy to grow in sun or part shade. Clips well, Evergreen
The perfect little shrub for low formal hedges or topiary work. Equally this Buxus looks good as a stand alone shrub to add substance to the border.
Buxus Macrophylla
Current Stock Height: 35/40 cm ?
Container: 1.5l ?
Buxus Macrophylla
Current Stock Height: 60/80 cm ?
Container: Hessian ?
aka Chinese Beauty Berry
A favourite amongst florists. The Chinese Beauty Berry is unique and beautiful when the slender branches are all dressed up with rich purple shiny berries from autumn through to winter. These are followed by soft downy sage green leaves. Prune after berries fall. Deciduous.
Callicarpa Dichotoma
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 5l ?
aka Bottlebrush
A robust and easy to grow evergreen shrub with stiff green foliage. Masses of crimson 'bottle-brushes' appear at the end of each branch from spring through to autumn. Loved by the birds and the bees. Likes a warm position with protection from harsh frost but generally undemanding.
Callistemon Red Cluster
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 4.5l ?
aka Buttercup Tree
Buttercup Tree. This evergreen shrub is a real stand out in the winter garden. The dark green foliage is covered by a mass of bright yellow 'buttercup' blooms from autumn through winter. Easy to grow in a sunny well drained spot preferably with some wind protection.
As the 'Buttercup Tree' blooms on new growth it is a good idea to prune after flowering each year to encourage new shoots. Don't worry if the leaflets fold at night - they do this naturally - isn't nature clever?
Cassia John Ball
Current Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
This spreading prostrate evergreen produces tight clusters of powder-blue flowers. These contrast nicely with the small lime green leaves that are splashed a darker green. This plant needs a well drained warm site in full sun position. Once established it requires little attention other than a light pruning after flowering.
Ceanothus Diamond Heights
Current Stock Height: 5/10 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Breath of Heaven
Low spreading shrub with golden aromatic foliage and tiny little star shaped flowers in palest pink that appear in late winter-spring. A versatile and easy to grow shrub that doesn't mind a trim every now and then. Likes the sun and good drainage. Tolerates light frost. Evergreen.
Coleonema Sunset Gold
Current Stock Height: 10/15 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
Coleonema Sunset Gold
Expected Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $34.99. Payment on order.
aka Bush Morning Glory
Morning Glory Bush. One of the best silver foliage shrubs available. Looks fabulous planted in a group. Pure white open trumpet flowers produced en masse from summer through to autumn. As with most grey foliage plants happiest in sunny position with good drainage. Evergreen.
Convolvulus Cneorum
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 2.4l ?
Convolvulus Cneorum
Expected Stock Height: 10/15 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of March, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $26.99. Payment on order.
Convolvulus Cneorum
New stock expected Beginning of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $34.99. Payment on order.
aka Ake Ake
Ake Ake. A no fuss evergreen foliage shrub that can be used for hedging or background planting. The slightly wavy leaves are shaded purple and bronze and will have better colour if not over-fed or pampered. Will grow just about anywhere except full shade. Evergreen.
Dodonaea Purpurea
Current Stock Height: 40/50 cm ?
Container: 1.5l ?
aka Smooth Hydrangea
This Hydrangea hails from the USA and is commonly known as the 'Smooth Hydrangea' because of the thin soft heart shaped leaves. Large heads of white flowers open from green buds in summer. The flowers turn green again as they age. Needs a semi-shaded position. Deciduous.
'Annabelle' is very hardy and will flower well even if cut back quite hard each year. Ensure your soil does not completely dry out in summer for best results. The flower heads are poised gracefully on the tips of the branches and this Hydrangea looks simply stunning in full flower.
Information Pages
Hydrangea Annabelle
Expected Stock Height: 20/30 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Mophead Hydrangea
Mophead. One of our favourite Hydrangeas. Gorgeous large white flower heads that open from soft lime green buds. Lovely to pick. Best planted in dappled light in soil that does not completely dry out in summer. Deciduous.
Information Pages
Hydrangea Bridal Bouquet
Current Stock Height: 10/20 cm ?
Container: 5l ?
Paniculata Hydrangea. Candlelight is an upright, hardy, stylish, deciduous shrub with creamy white blooms on deep red stems. As the blooms mature the petals get a light blush of pale pink. Its sturdy dark red twigs are held upright and don’t droop. Autumn foliage is equally impressive.
Information Pages
Hydrangea Candlelight
Expected Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock.
Hydrangea Candlelight
Expected Stock Height: 50/60 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Mophead Snowball
Mophead. If you love the crispness of white flowers set against fresh green foliage then you will love this attractive Hydrangea. Big rounded heads of pure white flowers that appear from summer through to autumn. Nice compact habit so equally at home in a container or the garden. Deciduous.
Prefers semi-shade.
Information Pages
Hydrangea Schneeball
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 5l ?
Hydrangea Schneeball
Expected Stock Height: 10/15 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of September, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
aka Japanese Holly
A delightful little Holly that is ideal for hedging and topiary work. Small glossy green leaves and a neat and tidy habit. This female clone has little black berries that follow the insignificant flowers. A worthy substitute for Box. Happy in a sunny position in nice deep soil. Hardy.
Ilex Helleri
Current Stock Height: 15/25 cm ?
Container: 1.5l ?
aka Trailing Lantana
Lantana Montevidensis is a nice groundcover. The blooms are lilac pink to purple with yellow centers, appear in masses from spring to autumn. Purple Trailing Lantana’s foliage will change to a red to purple color in the colder months. The foliage is very aromatic.
Lantana Montevidensis
Current Stock Height: 20/30 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Fringe Flower
An attractive and easy care shrub with arching branches of deep burgundy wine foliage. In spring and summer dark pink 'fringed' flowers appear and these carry a pleasant fragrance. Easy to grow in sun or part shade, prefers well drained soil. Presented here as a topiary standard.
Loropetalum Burgundy Std
Current Stock Height: STD-100/HGT-120 cm ?
Container: 10l ?
Stock of this item is very low.
aka Fringe Flower
This medium sized bushy shrub has light green foliage that matures to a darker green. Spidery blooms of creamy white cover the tree in spring and give and overall delicate beauty. Pendulous arching growth habit. Grow in a sunny spot in well drained fertile soil for best results. Evergreen
Loropetalum Chinensis
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
aka Fringe Flower
Plum Gorgeous is the deepest and darkest coloured foliage of any Loropetalum, and retains its colour all year round. It’s interesting that this fact is seen as a greater attribute than the hot pink tasseled flowers it has through the spring and summer. Evergreen
Great in pots. Clips well.
Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous
Current Stock Height: 20/25 cm ?
Container: 4.5l ?
Stock of this item is very low.
Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous
Expected Stock Height: 15/25 cm ?
New stock expected Middle of March, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $32.99. Payment on order.
Produces red new growth when other Nandinas are green (spring and autumn). A compact, rounded, evergreen shrub with that produces red new growth in spring and autumn. In winter months, turns vivid red all over. Fabulous for foliage contrast and texture. It is a smaller variety that is a perfect height for fences, borders or hedging. PVR.AKA
Nandina Blush
Expected Stock Height: 15/20cm ?
New stock expected Middle of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.
Nandina Blush
Expected Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
New stock expected Middle of March, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $44.99. Payment on order.
aka Nandina
This Nandina is for those of you who don't want red in your gardens! Magical Lemon n Lime has bright lime green foliage that fades to a deep green -it will not turn red even in winter! The two tone greens look amazing. Stunning as a hedge, boarder or in containers, superb for cut foliage. Evergreen
Nandina Magical Lemon Lime
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 4.5l ?
Stock of this item is very low.
Nandina Magical Lemon Lime
Expected Stock Height: 10/15 cm ?
New stock expected Middle of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $29.99. Payment on order.
aka Firethorn
This is one for the birds as they just love the bright red berries that follow the masses of white flowers at the end of summer. Compact in habit with glossy green leaves and few thorns. Grows just about anywhere and in any soil but prefers a sunny spot that isn't too wet. Evergreen.
Pyracantha are suitable for training as espaliers and look particularly good against a sunny wall where you can observe the birds par-taking of a 'berry' nice breakfast.
Pyracantha Brilliant
Current Stock Height: 60/70 cm ?
Container: 5l ?
Pyracantha Brilliant
Expected Stock Height: 50/70 cm ?
New stock expected Beginning of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $39.99. Payment on order.
aka Germander
This evergreen shrub from the Mediterranean loves hot dry spots and does well at the sea-side. Attractive tubular blue flowers are set amoungst aromatic silver grey leaves from spring to summer. Makes a fantastic low hedge and clips well. Happiest in light well drained soil.
The secret to your Teucrium hedge looking good is regular trimming however it is important that your last trim for the summer is done no later than mid March.
Teucrium Fruticans
Current Stock Height: 15/20 cm ?
Container: 1.5l ?
aka Glory Bush
Glory Bush. Beautiful dark green velvety leaves and purple coloured flowers in summer and autumn. Frost tender and needs protection from the wind. Will grow well in a sunny spot in the garden. Evergreen
Tibouchina Purple Moon
Current Stock Height: 35/50 cm ?
Container: 2.4l ?
A compact shrub with quite coarse green foliage, carmine red buds appear in late winter and open to white blooms tinged pink. Flowers are lightly perfumed and followed by dark blue berries. Easy to grow in sun or light shade. Responds well to pruning. Evergreen.
Viburnum Eve Price
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
A compact shrub with quite coarse green foliage, carmine pink buds appear in late winter and open to white blooms tinged pink. Flowers are lightly perfumed and followed by dark blue berries. Easy to grow in sun or light shade. Responds well to pruning. Evergreen. RHS AGM.
Viburnum Gwenllian
Current Stock Height: 30/40 cm ?
Container: 2.5l ?
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: